We show up for our team, but most importantly, we show up for ourselves. This means being present.

Showing up is bringing your whole self to work, being thoughtful, deliberate, and prioritizing how you spend your time. It is approaching your work with a high level of ownership.

It’s also knowing when there is no way to get your head in the game. An essential part of showing up is asking for the time you need away from work(within reason), but doing so in a way that considers the impact that time will have on your team.

Make proactive decisions so that you are present and create value in your role in the moment.

What it is:

What it’s NOT:

Here’s how our Engagement Managers define “We Show Up”


Why is it so difficult to get our minds to focus most of the time? Is it because of distractions around us?

Chris Bailey explains how this may not be the case. The results of his study might surprise you.


What does it mean to be present?

Sometimes we get too caught up with all the little things happening in our lives and work, that it becomes easy to lose grip of what really matters. In this video, David Allen talks about how a crisis gave him a sense of being present in the moment.

David Allen - Productive Engagement.MP4