We show up for our team, but most importantly, we show up for ourselves. This means being present.
Showing up is bringing your whole self to work, being thoughtful, deliberate, and prioritizing how you spend your time. It is approaching your work with a high level of ownership.
It’s also knowing when there is no way to get your head in the game. An essential part of showing up is asking for the time you need away from work(within reason), but doing so in a way that considers the impact that time will have on your team.
Make proactive decisions so that you are present and create value in your role in the moment.
Choosing to approach your job proactively and with purpose.
Being present and engaged, physically and mentally.
Not skimming the page. Absorb the training, the process, task, the video, etc., before doing the work. Someone showed up and put that together to support you; you can show up for them by taking the time to absorb it. If the training needs improvement - see We Speak Up.
Communicating in an actionable way - e.g., letting people know that you fully understand, have questions, or need some time to digest the information.
Asking for help from your teammates, and partners when you need it, escalating time-sensitive work, and making sure that your deliverables are covered if you're going to be out.
Asking for help from the person that is the best resource, and has the most ownership of the outcome, NOT the person you feel most comfortable asking.
Saying “yes” to things that you don’t have the time, capacity, or skill to handle.
Reporting to work even when you’re sick or need to tend to personal matters.
Sacrificing your health, quality of life, or relationships to prioritize work.
Going through the motions, or doing lots of things, without knowing how or if your actions will contribute to an outcome.
Meetings for meeting's sake, with no agenda and no takeaways.
Communicating passively - e.g., saying “noted” or “acknowledged”.
Focusing on how people perceive you instead of how you’re actually contributing.
Having easy conversations instead of the hard ones.
Chris Bailey explains how this may not be the case. The results of his study might surprise you.
Sometimes we get too caught up with all the little things happening in our lives and work, that it becomes easy to lose grip of what really matters. In this video, David Allen talks about how a crisis gave him a sense of being present in the moment.